A propos de

Global ValtusRestructuring Network

Network of restructuring experts and restructuring managers at Valtus Alliance
Réseau Valtus Restructuration

International Support in Critical Situations

Les Alliance Valtus has an extensive network of restructuring experts and restructuring managers all over the world, ready to step in in the most critical and complex situations.

As the Global leader in Executive Interim Management, the Valtus Alliance is headquartered in France, and relies on own subsidiaries and network partners in USA, Australia, Canada, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia, Central and Eastern Europe, Balkan, Baltics and the Middle-East.

Empower your business with our Restructuring Experts

Our managers identify savings and optimization potential and support you with quick and consistent implementation. They are familiar with national regulations and legislation, such as insolvency laws, and have access to the best local lawyers and advisors. Our turnaround experts will support you with financial, strategic and operational crises.

Financial Restructuring

Organizational Restructuring

Operational Restructuring

Gestion de crise

Our support on National and International level

Provide a turnaround manager in another country, for example if corporate head office needs management capacity for a foreign subsidiary. If required, our managers can also take on board functions and formal Directors’ Duties, in order to officially and legally represent the company. We can support our clients on a national and international level in critical situations.
Assemble a team of professionals with the required know how, for example if a private equity firm needs an international team of finance, operations and human resources managers with experience in restructuring and post-merger integration.
Restructure existing supply chain operations and identify new partners in order to replace existing ones.
Advice and information for clients facing complex national and international challenges, for example to connect with the best lawyers and consultants in the field of restructuring.
CE Intérim et Valtus

Rencontrez les dirigeants qui pilotent votre Succès.

Si vous avez des besoins de restructuration, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Valtus Alliance dispose de bureaux avec des responsables et des experts en redressement dans ces pays.

Argentine : Emanuel Silveira de Telos Transition
Autriche : Christian Kniescheck de Management Factory Conseil aux entreprises
Australie : Dorel Iosif de Cognisium
Belgique : Wim De Mulder de Valpeo
Brésil Emanuel Silveira de Telos Transition
Colombie : Emanuel Silveira de Telos Transition
République tchèque, Slovaquie : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Danemark : Henrik Lykke Appelquist de Intérim nordique
Finlande : Henrik Höjsgaard de Intérim nordique
France : Lionel Gouget de Valtus
Allemagne : Heinrich Schaible de Valtus Deutschland
Hongrie : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Inde : Sanjay Lakhotia de Noble House Consulting
Italie : Maurizio Ria de Duke & Kay
Japon : Hajime Baba de Partenaires Clareza
Lettonie, Lituanie, Estonie : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Pays-Bas : Wim De Mulder de Valpeo
Norvège : Rolf Henrik Svendsen de Incepto Intérim
Pologne : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Roumanie, Bulgarie : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Serbie, Croatie, Slovénie : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Singapour : Ramesh Ramchand de Radialis
Espagne : Juan Manuel Gil de Escobar Delgado de Gestion intérimaire Epunto
Suède : Henrik Höjsgaard de Intérim nordique
Émirats arabes unis : Bohuslav Lipovsky de CE Intérimaire
Royaume-Uni et Irlande : Steve Rutherford de Valtus

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