Navigare nell'incertezza: Espansione in Europa centrale e orientale con l'impronta produttiva di China plus One per una produzione economicamente vantaggiosa

Not enough time to read the full article? Listen to the summary in 2 minutes. China, the global manufacturing hub for years, isn’t that glorious anymore. The region is struggling with new-age challenges which make it less predictable and cost-efficient. If your business is solely relying on China for production, the complex web spun by […]

Dalla crisi all'opportunità: Come la strategia Cina più uno può proteggere la vostra catena di approvvigionamento e migliorare la redditività

Not enough time to read the full article? Listen to the summary in 2 minutes. Ongoing events like trade wars, rising energy prices, and geopolitical tensions have made the global business landscape unpredictable. It’s normal for companies to struggle amid the chaos. However, there’s one move that’s giving a sigh of relief to manufacturing businesses. […]
