
CE Interim joins Valtus Alliance

Discover the benefits of our strategic alliance with Valtus to enhance your business solutions.

Expanding CE Interim's Global Reach with Valtus Alliance

The global Executive Interim Management industry is growing 10-15% every year and is worth more than 8 billion euros. To accelerate our international expansion and take part in the development of this high-potential industry, CE Interim is joining Valtus Alliance, the biggest international network of leading Executive Interim Management companies.

What is valtus Alliance?

Valtus Alliance is the biggest international network of leading Executive Interim Management companies in their region, with a presence in 18 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United-Kingdom and the United States – now also entering the Eastern Euopre, the Baltics and the Balkans. All companies participating in the Valtus Alliance and the leader experts of the sector in their countries are able to intervene at any time with the best transformation experts to ensure quality support for our clients.

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million Eur Turnover in 2023

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Assignments carried out every Year

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Executive Interim Managers Available

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Partners at Your Side Worldwide

Breaking Borders for Medzinárodné Excellence

Partneri Valtus Alliance ktorých spájajú spoločné hodnoty zdieľajú osvedčené postupy a spolupracujú na základe rovnakých globálnych štandardov pri riešení zložitých situácií na celom svete.

“Valtus Alliance ensures our clients the same level of quality, engagement, and performance from Brazil to Singapore and from Stockholm to India. Companies need flexibility, leadership, and the right skills, at the right time to solve complex challenges. Our well-trained executives can step in to develop, restructure, or conduct a turnaround in any type of company, whether in big groups, SMEs, or even start-ups.” – Aymeric Bas, Managing Partner International & CRO at Valtus.

Spotlight on successful Cross-border Assignments

The Executive Interim Market in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Baltics has been booming in recent years. The impact of the pandemic, geopolitical shifts, and rising costs of both raw materials and personnel have forced international companies to rethink their global footprint and cost structures.

Greenfields, Brownfields, and relocations from Western Europe to Eastern and Southern Europe, and from Asia to Europe, combined with 2-5% unemployment rates and more than 10 spoken languages, have skyrocketed the need for immediately available, skilled, and culturally aware Executive Interim Managers.

Based on a recent market survey, some CEE countries have experienced a 300% increase in the number of interim projects managed via Interim Management providers, highlighting the need for more governance and transparency, and a more than 35% increase in the daily rate of interim managers due to increased demand.

Bohuslav Lipovský

Managing Partner of CE Interim

I am thrilled to join forces with Valtus Alliance, representing their global network in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Baltics, and expanding our global reach in cross-cultural Executive Interim Management assignments. CE Interim now enables the alliance to have a trusted partner in these key regions, adding to the cultural strength and global impact. Our combined expertise ensures that organizations all over the world can navigate complexities and drive sustainable growth with confidence also in Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Turkey.

Aymeric Bas

Managing Partner International & CRO at Valtus

Valtus Alliance ensures our clients the same level of quality, engagement, and performance from Brazil to Singapore and from Stockholm to India. Companies need flexibility, leadership, and the right skills, at the right time to solve complex challenges. Our well-trained executives can step in to develop, restructure, or conduct a turnaround in any type of company, whether in big groups, SMEs, or even start-ups.

The expansion of Valtus Alliance into these fast-growing, culturally rich, and diverse markets, combined with the well-established market position of CE Interim, offers unique opportunities to clients worldwide. Together, we expect to carry out a growing amount of cross-cultural Executive Interim Management assignments,” says

Valtus Alliance™ Members

CE Interim a Valtus

Zoznámte sa s vedúcimi pracovníkmi, ktorí riadia vašu Úspech.

Ak máte akékoľvek požiadavky na reštrukturalizáciu, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. Valtus Alliance má v týchto krajinách pobočky s manažérmi a odborníkmi na reštrukturalizáciu.

Argentína: Emanuel Silveira z adresy Telos Prechod

Rakúsko: Christian Kniescheck z adresy Manažment Factory Podnikové poradenstvo

Austrália: Dorel Iosif z adresy Cognisium

Belgicko: Wim De Mulder z adresy Valpeo

Brazília Emanuel Silveira z adresy Telos Prechod

Kolumbia: Emanuel Silveira z adresy Telos Prechod

Česká republika, Slovensko: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

Dánsko: Henrik Lykke Appelquist z adresy Nordic Interim

Fínsko: Henrik Höjsgaard z adresy Nordic Interim

Francúzsko: Lionel Gouget z adresy Valtus

Nemecko: Heinrich Schaible z adresy Valtus Deutschland

Maďarsko: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

India: Sanjay Lakhotia z adresy Noble House Consulting

Taliansko: Maurizio Ria z adresy Duke & Kay

Japonsko: Hajime Baba z adresy Clareza Partners

Lotyšsko, Litva, Estónsko: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

Holandsko: Wim De Mulder z adresy Valpeo

Nórsko: Rolf Henrik Svendsen z adresy Incepto Interim

Poľsko: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

Rumunsko, Bulharsko: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

Srbsko, Chorvátsko, Slovinsko: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

Singapur: Ramesh Ramchand z adresy Radialis

Španielsko: Juan Manuel Gil de Escobar Delgado z adresy Epunto Interim Management

Švédsko: Henrik Höjsgaard z adresy Nordic Interim

Spojené arabské emiráty: Bohuslav Lipovský z adresy CE Interim

Spojené kráľovstvo a Írsko: Steve Rutherford z adresy Valtus
