Navigating Uncertainty: Expanding into Central and Eastern Europe with the China plus One Manufacturing Footprint for Cost-Effective Production

China, the global manufacturing hub for years, isn’t that glorious anymore. The region is struggling with new-age challenges which make it less predictable and cost-efficient. If your business is solely relying on China for production, the complex web spun by rising costs, geopolitical uncertainties, and market volatility will bring it doomsday. Companies are concerned with […]

Balancing Cost and Security: Implementing the China Plus One Strategy Outside Western Europe, but still in Europe

Manufacturing businesses are having a tough time lately. Geopolitical uncertainties have been at a peak and production costs are soaring a mile a minute– forcing businesses to explore the China Plus One strategy. It’s trending as a diversification approach to reduce dependency on China while expanding operations elsewhere. While Western Europe offers logistical advantages and […]

Strategic Diversification: Cutting Costs with the China Plus One Model in European Manufacturing

Global businesses are facing increasing challenges from geopolitical disruptions, supply chain vulnerabilities, and rising production costs in China, their favorite traditional manufacturing hub. This is pushing them to adopt modern approaches like the China Plus One strategy. This method involves diversifying operations beyond China to reduce dependence on a single region and ensure resilience. Central […]

Zakaj je selitev tovarne v Vzhodno Evropo in na Balkan pametna poteza?

Selitev tovarn v Vzhodno Evropo in na Balkan

Selitev tovarne v Vzhodno Evropo in na Balkan prinaša številne prednosti, med drugim stroškovno učinkovitost, usposobljeno delovno silo, strateško lokacijo, ugodne predpise, napredno infrastrukturo in gospodarsko stabilnost. Te prednosti podjetjem zagotavljajo konkurenčno prednost na svetovnem trgu.

Stroškovne koristi selitve tovarne na Balkan

Stroškovne koristi selitve tovarne

Za podjetja, ki želijo preseliti svoje tovarne, ima Balkan velike prednosti, zlasti zaradi stroškovnih prednosti selitve tovarne na Balkan. Te prednosti vključujejo nižje operativne stroške, dostop do kvalificirane delovne sile z nižjimi plačami, ugodne davčne stopnje in spodbude, prednosti strateške lokacije, boljšo infrastrukturo in vladno podporo.
