Naše nedávne medzikultúrne Priebežné projekty

Generálny riaditeľPodnikateľské myslenieGenerálny manažmentPolsko161

161 Generálny riaditeľ Poľsko

O našom klientovi:

Our client, a distinguished global brand specializing in the manufacturing of bespoke, exclusive consumer goods. Following a recent strategic acquisition in Poland, we are looking for an experienced General Manager. This role will be pivotal in driving accelerated growth and elevating the company’s market position. The selected candidate will play a critical role in shaping the future of the organization and ensuring its long-term success.

Popis projektu:

To speed up the value creation and unlock the full potential of the global organization, the new General Manager should:
  • take over full responsibility of the operations in Poland
  • bring enterpreneurial mindset and mentality focud on client first values
  • liase with and coordinate with the Group
  • manage all relevant stakeholders of the local entity
  • lead and motivate the Development and Production Team

Interim Manager Požadované zručnosti:

  • mature senior personality
  • expat origin or a local leader with experience from international environment
  • fluent English and Polish with a good understanding of the local Polish culture and working habits
  • commercial and general management experience from client facing roles
  • creative mindset with a can-do attitude (agile, dynamic)

Kľúčové požiadavky:

Entrepreneurial mindset, Fluent English, Positive Attitude

Typ zadania:

  • Stálych

Rozsah dočasného zadania:

  • Zrýchlenie rastu

Funkčná oblasť dočasného manažéra:

  • General Management


  • Central Poland


  • Stálych

Dátum začiatku:

  • po dohode

Naučte sa, ako Excel ako dočasný manažér
