Naša nedavna medkulturna Vmesni projekti

Začasni direktor za človeške vire po združitvi, projekti transformacije Transformacija organizacije velikega obsega (večmilijonsko podjetje, več tisoč zaposlenih) Poznavanje romunske kulture, zgodovine, ozadja, načina komunikacije ter zakonov in predpisov na področju človeških virov Human Resources Bukarešta, Romunija 131

131 | Vmesni direktor kadrovske službe | Integracija po prevzemu | Romunija

O naši stranki:

Naša stranka je globalni igralec na področju storitev B2C z močno prisotnostjo na romunskem trgu. Po nedavnem prevzemu je podjetje v postopku PMI. Za podporo pri prehodu iščemo začasnega direktorja kadrovske službe skupine.

Opis projekta:

Support the existing Board of Directors in the Post-Acquisition Integration and Consolidation of the operations in the area of Human Resources
Integrate 2 companies with approximately 3.000 employees
Negotiate with trade unions to reach a solid agreement
Harmonize Compensation and Benefits scheme in both companies (Contract Management)
Perform assessment of the existing mid-level management, and design development plans, together with a strong hiring pipeline
If necessary prepare and organize downsizing process, including communication, negotiation, project management and implementation
Design and lead a strong corporate culture harmonization program
Communicate actively with stakeholders – existing Board in Romania, Group HQ in Western Europe, Trade Unions, Temp Agencies etc

Začasni vodja Zahtevana znanja in spretnosti:

Verifiable track record from Post Merger Integration, M&A, and Post Acquisition Consolidation projects
10+ years of experience in managerial role in the area of Human Resources
Mature seniority and communication style (3.000 employees, large scale operations)
Experience from international assignments or working for an international company in Romania
Track record of successful negotiations with Trade Unions in Romania
2-3 Transformation projects (PMI, Merger, Transition, Turnaround, Transformation, Greenfield, Downsizing, Growth)
English and Romanian are a must

Ključne zahteve:

Post Merger Integration, Transformation Projects
Large-scale organization transformation (multi-milion Eur business, thousands of employees)
Knowledge of the Romanian culture, history, backgroud, communication style and laws & regulations in the Human Resources Area

Vrsta naloge:

  • Vmesni

Obseg začasne naloge:

  • Integracija po združitvi

Funkcionalno področje začasnega vodje:

  • Človeški viri


  • Bukarešta, Romunija


  • 9-12 mesecev

Datum začetka:

  • Junij-julij

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