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Are Interim Managers Really So Expensive?

Are Interim Managers Really So Expensive?

Are interim managers too expensive? It’s a common misconception that interim managers come with a high price tag, making them ...
How Do Interim Managers Retire?

How Do Interim Managers Retire?

What does retirement look like for an interim manager? For many professionals, retirement marks the end of their career. But ...
Suit or Shirt for the Interview

Suit or Shirt for the Interview?

What should you wear to an interview as an interim manager? Once, wearing a suit to an interview was a ...
Interim Managers and Company Culture

Do Interim Managers Need to Fit with the Company Culture?

True or false: Interim managers need to fit perfectly with a company’s culture in order to succeed. For permanent executives, ...
Hired an Interim Manager

Hired an Interim Manager and No Miracles Have Happened?

You’ve done everything right—or so you thought. You hired an interim manager with an impressive resume, stellar recommendations, and top-notch ...
Marketing Yourself as an Interim Manager

Are You Effectively Marketing Yourself as an Interim Manager?

As an interim manager, you are essentially a one-person B2B business. You need to market yourself as an Interim manager ...
How to Learn and Develop during Interim Project

How to Learn and Develop During an Interim Project

When you take on an interim project, you’re not just there to provide solutions—you’re also there to learn, grow, and ...
Client Interview Questions

Are You Ready for Tricky Client Interview Questions?

When you walk into an interview as an interim manager, you expect tough questions. But what happens when you’re faced ...
Fraud as Part of Interim Project

Would Fraud as Part of Your Interim Project Challenge You?

Interim projects come in all shapes and sizes, each presenting its unique set of challenges. Some are routine, but others ...
Interim Managers Vs Employees

Why Employees Aren’t Always Welcoming to Interim Managers

Are your employees pushing back against change, or are they embracing it with open arms? As an interim manager stepping ...
Overqualified Interim Manager

Is It Advantageous to Have an Overqualified Interim Manager?

When it comes to hiring permanent executives, many organisations worry about the risks of bringing on someone who is overqualified ...
Clear Project Definition Is Critical for Interim Managers

Why a Clear Project Definition Is Critical for Interim Managers

For interim managers, the clearer the project definition, the faster the desired outcome can be achieved. When goals are well-defined, ...
Advantage of Interim Managers

Adapting Quickly: The Key Advantage of Interim Managers

When stepping into a new working environment, how fast can you adapt? Whether you are an interim or a permanent ...
Land and Expand Strategy for Interim Managers

Why Interim Managers Should Master the “Land and Expand” Strategy

Interim managers often find themselves navigating complex projects solo, leading change through their expertise and experience. While some large projects ...
Saying No To An Interim Project

When to Say No to an Interim Project

During my stay in the UK, I came across a beautiful carriage full of flowers, symbolising a "No Entry" sign ...